Please Donate to WHYU-FM

Click Here to Donate through PayPal or Credit Card

Contributions from listeners like you ARE VITAL to our ability to stay on the air. Upgrading to our full power station has been very expensive, and we have exhausted all of our existing funds for the station. We need your help to save the station and keep it up and running. At this point, I am personally funding the majority of the station expenses out of my own pocket. My own funds are now running seriously low and I don't know how much longer I can foot the majority of the station bills on my own.

Our originazation is a bona-fide 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the IRS and all of your contributions can be tax deductible. Please give any help you can by sending us anything you can afford.

You can send donations by PayPal directly to:

You can mail contributions to: WHYU, 1112 Matlick Rd, Meyersdale, PA 15552-6145

Thank you in advance for your much needed financial support.

Robert Kluver, President

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